Reformation Day

This coming Sunday, October 26, is Reformation Day.  What was the Reformation?  On October 31st, 1517, the German monk and professor Martin Luther posted a list of 95 theses that sought to reform the beliefs and practices of the medieval Catholic Church according to the teachings of the Bible.  Luther’s ideas for reforming the church encouraged Christians all over Europe to seek major revival and purification of the church from traditions that distorted and corrupted the faith and pattern of life passed on to the church by Jesus through his apostles.  Reformation Day is a holiday celebrated on October 31st or the last weekend in October in remembrance of the Protestant Reformation.

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Offering and Intercession: Our Renewed Response to the Word of God

As Central’s pastors have frequently said, we are a church that is reformed and always reforming according to the word of God.  Starting on September 7, our fall sermon series will address God’s reforming work through a focus on spiritual renewal, and we will make a couple of changes to the order of the 8:30 and 9:45 services to reflect that focus more clearly in the structure of the service.  During this sermon series, the offering and our intercessory prayers for the church and the world will occur after the sermon rather than before.

There are several reasons for this change. Continue reading

Why do we confess sin together in worship?

Here is a short but penetrating article on the reasons why confessing our sins together as a church body in corporate worship and receiving the Lord’s forgiveness is a healing mercy and precious gift from God.

Three Views: Why Confess Sins in Worship When It Seems So Rote?
by Kathleen Norris, John Witvliet (director of the Calvin Institute of Christian Worship), and Enuma Okoro