Prayer for Pentecost Sunday: Walking by the Spirit and not by the flesh (Gal. 3:1-9)

Spirit of wisdom and understanding, give us the mind of Christ. When we need direction, please bring your word to our mind and heart. When we need clear thinking, please show us wonderful things in your word and lead us in the way of right reason and Spiritual wisdom.

Spirit of counsel, when we do not know what to pray, when are too tired, or too hurt, or too afraid, or too confused to think and pray clearly, please remind us that you pray in us and for us. Please help us bring our simple lament and pain and confusion to you in the simplest thoughts, and words, and groans too deep for words. Thank you that you lead us to look to Jesus when we feel that we cannot. Please help us pray for others and offer your good counsel to others who need to hear it through us with gentleness and respect.

Spirit of the Father, when we feel alone and abandoned, please remind us that you are the guarantee that we are adopted daughters and sons of the Father and heirs of eternal life. Please help us receive and comfort others as we have been received and comforted by you.

Spirit of might, when we feel tempted and weak, please make us strong strengthen us to stand firm. When we want what we know is wrong, and what is bad for us and for others, please give us a stronger desire for what is right, and good, and true, and beautiful. Holy Spirit, make us holy and you are holy, and fill us with your might to stand firm against our flesh and against the schemes of the evil one; make us strong and courageous to encourage and strengthen others who are

Spirit of justice, when we see injustice in ourselves and in the systems and institutions in which we live in our work and our city, may zeal for your justice, goodness, and mercy consume us and compel us to work for justice for the poor, for the marginalized, for the powerless, for the oppressed, with whatever resources and opportunities you have given to us. Please give us courage to do what is right and to trust you for whatever results may come. We pray especially for groups in St. Louis seeking justice and mercy for all in law, in our courts, in housing and economic development, and in education. Please help our city flourish because your people unite to bring your Spirit’s truth, and blessing, and power.

Spirit of Christ, when we feel hopeless, please help us remember that you are the power of God that raised Jesus from the dead. Fill us with hope that you are greater than the evil one and any power in our flesh or in the world that opposes the ultimate triumph of your mission to save.

Spirit of the King, we pray for the coming of your kingdom in all its fullness with the words that you taught us, saying: Our Father. . .

Celebrating Pentecost

May 15 is the beginning of a new season in the church calendar.  The colors at the front of the church have changed from white to red to mark the beginning of Pentecost, which celebrates the coming of the Holy Spirit upon the church for a new era of mission under the leadership of Jesus.

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