Offering and Intercession: Our Renewed Response to the Word of God

As Central’s pastors have frequently said, we are a church that is reformed and always reforming according to the word of God.  Starting on September 7, our fall sermon series will address God’s reforming work through a focus on spiritual renewal, and we will make a couple of changes to the order of the 8:30 and 9:45 services to reflect that focus more clearly in the structure of the service.  During this sermon series, the offering and our intercessory prayers for the church and the world will occur after the sermon rather than before.

There are several reasons for this change. Continue reading

Worship Service

When we gather on Sundays for worship, why do we often call that a “worship service”?  This language has a long history.  In 1526, Martin Luther published a plan to reform corporate worship in German-speaking churches, and he titled it “An Order of God’s Service.”  To this day, many Lutheran churches still call their worship gathering the “Divine Service,” and it has become extremely common for many Christians to speak of assembling for worship services.

But what does that terminology mean?  Is corporate worship really “service,” and, if so, who is serving whom?

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